China 2010.New Eagle Claw school in Changsha!

Once more, the team of Eagle Claw Kung Fu - the chief instructor, Doukas Dimitris and his students, Divanis Giorgos, Salomidou Angela and Papachristou Christos (instructor of the Eagle Athletic Club, Galatsi) - travelled to China. The trip of Grandmaster Lily Lau was very significant this time, as it wasn’t done for a contest, but to honour her father’s memory and to sign a very important agreement for the foundation of a new school in China.
In Hong Kong, the team met the teacher and her students from other schools from all over the world: Hari Singh Dhesy (chief instructor in England), Alvin Raul Cardona (chief instructor in Chicago) and his students, Raul J. Abreu (chief instructor in Puerto Rico), Sifu Clodoaldo da Silva Castro with one Brazilian student, Gorden Ye (president of the Lily Lau Kung Fu for China) and the shifu’s students from Hong Kong.
The next day, there was a ceremony on the occasion of the 46 years after the death of Great Grandmaster Lau Fat Mang - father of the teacher - in the Catholic cemetery of Hong Kong, where he rests. The ceremony was very emotional, as the teacher couldn’t hold her tears, even though 46 years have passed from her father’s death.
All the attendees followed the tradition, bowing three times, greeting the great master and offering something to him. Afterwards, and after sharing the food offered, the team went to a park nearby to practice Kung Fu. Undoubtedly, the Great Master would smile with satisfaction watching his daughter and her students from all over the world practice his techniques.
The closest student to the teacher, Wong Leung Wo showed us his unparalleled technical skill, teaching us a taolu for two persons, constantly changing sides, with great energy. The theme of the taolu was double sword versus spear, with beautiful and, at the same time realistic, techniques.
The next day, the team started off for a trip by airplane, boat and busses, that lasted for an exhaustive, but interesting week. In Changsha, the local authorities welcomed us, and undertook our sightseeing. Our first stop was the teacher’s new school, where we were expected for the demonstration. The teacher’s school is actually a big complex of buildings, where the students live and study. Their main direction is Wushu, but - in parallel - the curriculum of the Chinese school is taught. It is something like a whusu vocational training institute.
The demonstration began with the lion and the dragon dance and went on with talks and demonstrations of the Chinese and the rest of the students (including us). The Chinese students specialise in Sanshou and we couldn’t avoid fighting. Despite the fatigue of the trip, G. Divanis managed to win the Chinese athlete in a “friendly” round.
The next day, the governor of Dao province welcomed us to the ceremony for the signing of the agreement between our teacher and the Chinese side for investments in the area of Changsha. In the area, we visited a beautiful monastery, where Buddhists and Taoists monks live together.
Our next station was Guilin, with its magical landscape, where we watched a show directed by Zhang Yimou, by the river.
The trip ended back at Hong Kong, leaving us with many experiences and many new friends. The Chinese have their way to earn somebody’s friendship with their hospitality. Our teacher, with this move, aims to teach students from a very young age, who will be able -as they will be committed- to advance in Eagle Claw Kung Fu and help her disseminate it in China. In addition, the teacher signed the contract for the production of a Kung Fu movie about her life.
At Hong Kong we said goodbye to the teacher, but not for long, as she will be in Greece, at the end of May, for her seminar.
Our team remained in China for two more weeks, practicing Taiji.