24th Pan-hellenic Wushu Kung Fu Championship category A' B'
Tao Lu - Παραδοσιακό Α
1. ΑΝΑΓΝΩΣΤΟΥ ΓΙΑΝΝΑ 40+ γυναικών, Α Κατηγορία Παραδοσιακά ΤΑΙΤΖΙ (ΓΙΑΝΓΚ) 3η θέση / ΤΑΙΤΖΙ ΟΠΛΑ, 3η θέση
2. ΓΑΒΡΙΗΛΟΓΛΟΥ ΜΑΓΔΑΛΗΝΗ 40+ γυναικών, Α Κατηγορία Παραδοσιακά ΤΑΙΤΖΙ ΟΠΛΑ 1η θέση / ΤΑΙΤΖΙ (ΓΙΑΝΓΚ) 4η θέση
3. ΔΟΥΚΑ ΝΙΚΙΤΑ, κορασίδων Α Κατηγορία Παραδοσιακά ΒΟΡΕΙΑ ΓΡΟΘΙΑ, 1η θέση
4. ΦΑΚΟΥ ΑΝΤΡΙΑΝΑ, παγκορασίδων 2, Α Κατηγορία Παραδοσιακά ΒΟΡΕΙΑ ΓΡΟΘΙΑ, 3η θέση
5. ΓΙΑΤΡΑΣ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΣ, παίδων, Α Κατηγορία Παραδοσιακά ΒΟΡΕΙΑ ΓΡΟΘΙΑ, 2η θέση / ΚΟΝΤΑ ΟΠΛΑ, 3η θέση
6. ΚΡΑΝΙΤΗΣ ΑΡΗΣ, παμπαίδων 2 Α Κατηγορία Παραδοσιακά ΒΟΡΕΙΑ ΓΡΟΘΙΑ, 3η θέση
7. ΓΡΗΓΟΡΙΟΥ ΜΑΡΙΛΕΝΑ, κορασίδων Α Κατηγορία Παραδοσιακά ΒΟΡΕΙΑ ΓΡΟΘΙΑ, 3η θέση
8. ΚΟΥΒΕΛΑ ΚΥΒΕΛΗ, νεανίδων (15 - 17ετων) Α Κατηγορία Παραδοσιακά ΒΟΡΕΙΑ ΓΡΟΘΙΑ, 1η θέση
9. ΔΟΥΚΑ ΣΟΦΙΑ, παγκορασίδων 2 Α Κατηγορία Παραδοσιακά ΒΟΡΕΙΑ ΓΡΟΘΙΑ
Tao Lu - Παραδοσιακό Β
1. ΜΠΙΚΟΥ ΜΑΡΙΝΑ, Β Κατηγορία Παραδοσιακά ΒΟΡΕΙΑ ΓΡΟΘΙΑ, 4η θέση / Γ Κατηγορία Παραδοσιακά ΜΑΚΡΥΑ ΟΠΛΑ, 5η θέση
2. ΦΙΝΚΟ ΦΩΤΕΙΝΗ, Β Κατηγορία Παραδοσιακά ΒΟΡΕΙΑ ΓΡΟΘΙΑ, 8η θέση
3. ΣΚΟΥΛΙΚΑΡΗΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ, Β Κατηγορία Παραδοσιακά ΒΟΡΕΙΑ ΓΡΟΘΙΑ, 8η θέση / Γ Κατηγορία Παραδοσιακά ΜΑΚΡΥΑ ΟΠΛΑ 5η θέση
4. ΠΕΤΡΙΔΗΣ ΩΡΙΩΝΑΣ, Β Κατηγορία Παραδοσιακά ΒΟΡΕΙΑ ΓΡΟΘΙΑ, 4η θέση / ΜΑΚΡΥΑ ΟΠΛΑ, 4η θέση
23rd Pan-hellenic Wushu Kung Fu Championship category A' B' C'
Tao Lu - Παραδοσιακό Α
1. ΑΝΑΓΝΩΣΤΟΥ ΓΙΑΝΝΑ 35+ γυναικών, ΕΣΩΤΕΡΙΚΗ ΓΡΟΘΙΑ(Σινγκ Γι), 1η θέση / ΞΙΦΟΣ, 1η θέση
2. ΓΑΒΡΙΗΛΟΓΛΟΥ ΜΑΓΔΑΛΗΝΗ 35+ γυναικών, ΓΡΟΘΙΑ ΤΑΪ ΤΖΙ (42κινήσεις),1η θέση
3. ΔΟΥΚΑ ΝΙΚΙΤΑ, Β.Γροθιά παγκορασίδων 2, 1η θέση / ΚΟΝΤΑ ΟΠΛΑ 4η θέση
4. ΦΑΚΟΥ ΑΝΤΡΙΑΝΑ Β.Γροθιά, παγκορασίδων 2, 2η θέση / υπόλοιπα όπλα 2η θέση
5. ΓΙΑΤΡΑΣ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΣ Β.Γροθιά, παμπαίδων 2, 1η θέση / κοντά όπλα, 3η θέση
6. ΚΡΑΝΙΤΗΣ ΑΡΗΣ Β.Γροθιά, παμπαίδων 2, 2η θέση / μακρυά όπλα, 2η θέση
7. ΓΡΗΓΟΡΙΟΥ ΜΑΡΙΛΕΝΑ, Β.Γροθιά, παγκορασίδων 2, 4η θέση / υπόλοιπα όπλα 4η θέση
8. ΠΑΠΑΔΑΚΗ ΣΟΦΙΑ, Β.Γροθιά παγκορασίδων 1, 2η θέση
Tao Lu - Παραδοσιακό Β
1. ΔΟΥΚΑ ΣΟΦΙΑ, Β.Γροθιά, παγκορασίδων 1, 1η θέση
Tao Lu - Παραδοσιακό Γ
1.ΣΚΟΥΛΙΚΑΡΗΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ Β.Γροθιά, παμπαίδων 1, 3η θέση
9. ΑΔΑΜΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ, Sanda - 18-39 ετών - 75kg - Άντρες, 2η θέση
22nd Pan-hellenic Wushu Kung Fu Championship category A' B' C':
Tao Lu - Παραδοσιακό Α
1. ΠΑΠΑΔΗΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ ΠΑΝΟΣ, ΕΣΩΤΕΡΙΚΗ ΓΡΟΘΙΑ - 35 + ετών - ανδρών, 2η θέση
2. ΑΝΑΓΝΩΣΤΟΥ ΓΙΑΝΝΑ, ΤΑΪ ΤΖΙ ΟΠΛΑ - ΞΙΦΟΣ - 35+ γυναικών, 1η θέση / ΕΣΩΤΕΡΙΚΗ ΓΡΟΘΙΑ - 3η θέση
3. ΓΑΒΡΙΗΛΟΓΛΟΥ ΜΑΓΔΑΛΗΝΗ, ΤΑΪ ΤΖΙ ΟΠΛΑ - ΞΙΦΟΣ - 35+ γυναικών, 2η θέση / ΓΡΟΘΙΑ ΤΑΪ ΤΖΙ (42κινήσεις), 1η θέση
5.ΦΡΑΓΚΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΊΑ, ΚΟΝΤΑ ΟΠΛΑ κορασίδων, 5η θέση
Tao Lu - Παραδοσιακό Β
1. ΠΑΠΑΔΑΚΗ ΣΟΦΙΑ, Β.Γροθιά, παγκορασίδων 1, 1η θέση
2. ΦΑΚΟΥ ΑΝΤΡΙΑΝΑ, Β.Γροθιά, παγκορασίδων 2, 1η θέση
3. ΓΡΗΓΟΡΙΟΥ ΜΑΡΙΛΕΝΑ, Β.Γροθιά, παγκορασίδων 2, 3η θέση
4. ΔΟΥΚΑ ΝΙΚΙΤΑ, Β.Γροθιά, παγκορασίδων 2, 4η θέση
5. ΓΙΑΤΡΑΣ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΣ, Β.Γροθιά, παμπαίδων 2, 3η θέση
6. ΚΡΑΝΙΤΗΣ ΑΡΗΣ, Β.Γροθιά, παμπαίδων 2, 7η θέση
7. ΣΩΤΗΡΙΑΔΗΣ ΦΑΝΗΣ, Β.Γροθιά, παμπαίδων 2, 9η θέση
Tao Lu - Παραδοσιακό Γ
1. ΔΟΥΚΑ ΣΟΦΙΑ, Β.Γροθιά, παγκορασίδων 1, 1η θέση
2. ΦΙΝΚΟ ΦΩΤΕΙΝΗ, Β.Γροθιά, παγκορασίδων 1, 2η θέση
3. ΓΡΗΓΟΡΙΟΥ ΜΑΡΓΑΡΙΤΑ, Β.Γροθιά, παγκορασίδων 1, 3η θέση
4. ΔΑΣΚΑΛΑΚΗ ΑΥΡΑ, Β.Γροθιά, παγκορασίδων 2, 5η θέση
5. ΔΑΣΚΑΛΑΚΗΣ ΜΑΡΚΟΣ, Β.Γροθιά, παμπαίδων 1, 3η θέση
6. ΣΩΤΗΡΙΑΔΗΣ ΦΟΙΒΟΣ, Β.Γροθιά, παμπαίδων 1, 5η θέση
7. ΚΖΟΥΝΙΑΣ ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ, Β.Γροθιά, παμπαίδων 1, 6η θέση
9. ΑΔΑΜΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ, Sanda - 18-39 ετών - 75kg - Άντρες, 3η θέση
20th Pan-hellenic Wushu Kung Fu Championship category A':
Tao Lu - Παραδοσιακό Α
1. ΠΑΠΑΔΗΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ ΠΑΝΟΣ, ΒΟΡΕΙΑ ΓΡΟΘΙΑ - 18-40 ετών - ανδρών, 1η θέση
2. ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ ΜΑΡΙΝΑ, ΓΡΟΘΙΑ ΤΑΪ ΤΖΙ (24 κινήσεις) - 40 + - γυναικών, 2η θέση/ΤΑΪ ΤΖΙ ΟΠΛΑ - ΞΙΦΟΣ, 1η θέση
3. ΝΟΝΗΣ ΑΛΕΞΗΣ, ΤΑΪ ΤΖΙ ΟΠΛΑ - ΞΙΦΟΣ - 40+- ανδρών, 2η θέση/Μικτή Παραδοσιακά ΤαΪ Τσι, 2η θέση
4. ΚΑΒΟΥΡΑΣ ΒΑΓΓΕΛΗΣ,ΤΑΪ ΤΖΙ ΟΠΛΑ - ΞΙΦΟΣ - 18-40 ετών - ανδρών, 1η θέση/ΕΣΩΤΕΡΙΚΗ ΓΡΟΘΙΑ (Xing Yi Quan), 1η θέση
5. ΑΝΑΓΝΩΣΤΟΥ ΓΙΑΝΝΑ, ΤΑΪ ΤΖΙ ΟΠΛΑ - ΞΙΦΟΣ - 40+ γυναικών, 2η θέση/ΓΡΟΘΙΑ ΤΑΪ ΤΖΙ (24 κινήσεις), 3η θέση
6. ΓΑΒΡΙΗΛΟΓΛΟΥ ΜΑΓΔΑΛΗΝΗ, Μικτή Κοντά Όπλα ΤαΪ Τσι - 18-40 ετών - Γυναικών, 1η θέση/ΓΡΟΘΙΑ ΤΑΪ ΤΖΙ (24 κινήσεις) -40+ γυναικών, 4η θέση
Light Sanda
7. ΑΘΑΝΑΣΑΤΟΣ ΧΡΗΣΤΟΣ, Light Sanda - 18-39 ετών - -70kg - Άντρες, 2η θέση
8. ΚΑΤΤΗΣ ΟΡΕΣΤΗΣ, Light Sanda - 18-39 ετών - -80kg - Άντρες, 2η θέση
9. ΑΔΑΜΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ, Sanda - 18-39 ετών - -70kg - Άντρες, 3η θέση
European Shuai jiao Cup, 29/31.3.2019
Στην διοργάνωση συμμετείχαν αθλητές από:
1.Αρμενία, 2.Βοσνία Ερζεγοβίνη, 3.Γερμανία, 4.Ελβετία, 5.Ελλάδα, 6.Ισπανία, 7.Ιταλία, 8.Ουκρανία, 9.Πολωνία, 10.Ρωσία, 11.Σερβία, 12.Τουρκία
Η εθνική ομάδα ομάδα κατέκτησε την 4 ομαδική θέση και κέρδισε 1 ασημένιο και 4 χάλκινα μετάλλια.
Ο εκπαιδευτής του συλλόγου Δούκας Δημήτρης ήταν ο προπονητής και αρχηγός αποστολής της εθνικής ομάδας.
Οι παρακάτω αθλητές εκπροσώπησαν τον Α.Σ.Κεραμεικός και πήραν τις ακόλουθες διακρίσεις:
1.Τουμπακάρη Ιωάννα 2 θέση -56kg
2.Αδαμόπουλος Δημήτρης 3η θέση -70kg
3.Στρογγύλη Άρτεμις 3η θέση -60kg
4.Καττής Ορέστης 5η θέση -75kg
5.Νομικός Αλέξανδρος 6η θέση -75kg
3rd Shuai Jiao Developmental Tournament and 20th Pan-hellenic Wushu Kung Fu Championship category B':
3ο αναπτυξιακό τουρνουά κινέζικης πάλης – Shuai Jiao.
1.ΑΔΑΜΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ, Shuai Jiao - ΑΝΤΡΕΣ - 70kg A 1η θέση
2. ΑΘΑΝΑΣΑΤΟΣ ΧΡΗΣΤΟΣ, Shuai Jiao - ΑΝΤΡΕΣ - 70kg A, 5η θέση
3. ΚΑΤΤΗΣ ΟΡΕΣΤΗΣ, Shuai Jiao - ΑΝΤΡΕΣ - 75kg, 1η θέση
4. ΝΟΜΙΚΟΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ, Shuai Jiao - ΑΝΤΡΕΣ - 75kg, 2η θέση
5. ΚΑΒΟΥΡΑΣ ΒΑΓΓΕΛΗΣ, Shuai Jiao - ΑΝΤΡΕΣ - 82kg, 2η θέση
6. ΜΑΚΡΗ ΕΛΕΝΗ, Shuai Jiao - ΓΥΝΑΙΚΕΣ - 60kg, 3η θέση
20o Πανελλήνιο πρωτάθλημα Wushu B΄κατηγορίας
1.ΑΝΑΓΝΩΣΤΟΥ ΓΙΑΝΝΑ, Tao Lu - Παραδοσιακό - Β - ΕΣΩΤΕΡΙΚΗ ΓΡΟΘΙΑ - πάνω από 40 ετών - γυναικών, 1η θέση
2.ΔΗΜΗΤΡΟΣ ΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ, Tao Lu - Παραδοσιακό - Β - ΕΣΩΤΕΡΙΚΗ ΓΡΟΘΙΑ - 18-40 ετών - ανδρών, 2η θέση
3.ΚΑΛΟΓΗΡΟΥ ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΑ, Tao Lu - Παραδοσιακό - Β - ΕΣΩΤΕΡΙΚΗ ΓΡΟΘΙΑ - 18-40 ετών - γυναικών, 1η θέση
4.ΜΠΟΥΚΗ ΣΤΑΜΑΤΙΝΑ, Tao Lu - Παραδοσιακό - Γ - ΒΟΡΕΙΑ ΓΡΟΘΙΑ - 18-40 ετών - γυναικών, 1η θέση
5.ΛΑΡΔΙΚΟΥ ΧΡΙΣΤΙΝΑ, Tao Lu - Παραδοσιακό - Γ - ΒΟΡΕΙΑ ΓΡΟΘΙΑ - 18-40 ετών - γυναικών, 5η θέση
19th Pan-hellenic Wushu Kung Fu Championship:
1.Παπαδημητρόπουλος Πάνος, Βόρεια Γροθιά Ανδρών, 2η θέση
2.Στρογγύλη Άρτεμις, Βόρεια Γροθιά Γυναικών / ξίφος 2η θέση / 4η θέση
3.Αδαμόπουλος Δημήτρης, Xing Yi Quan και Light Sanda -70kg. 4η θέση / 1η θέση
4.Βουραζέρης Στράτος, Taiji Quan 24 και Taiji Jian, 2η θέση / 2η θέση(over 40)
5.Αναγνώστου Γιάννα, Taiji Quan 24 και Taiji Jian 2η θέση / 1η θέση(over 40)
6.Γαβριήλογλου Μαγδαληνή, Taiji Quan 24 και Taiji Jian, 1η θέση / 1η θέση
7.Παναγιωτοπούλου Μαρίνα, Taiji Quan 24, 4η θέση(over 40)
Ο ΑΣΚεραμεικός πήρε την 1η θέση στο ομαδικό Taiji.
Β κατηγορία
1).Τριανταφύλλου Δημήτρης Β.γροθια κ μακριά όπλα
2).Γουναρόπουλος Αντώνης Β.γροθιά κ μακριά όπλα
3).Κούβελα Κυβέλη Β.Γροθιά κ κοντά όπλα
4).Τσάπαλη Κατερίνα Β.γροθιά κ μακριά όπλα
5).Τσάπαλη Χριστίνα Β.γροθιά κ μακριά όπλα
6).Φράγκου Βασιλεία βόρεια γροθιά κ δεύτερη θέση στα μακριά όπλα
Γ ΚΑΤΗΓΟΡΙΑ Βόρεια Γροθιά
1).Βρανίκας Άρης
2).Χαλκιαδάκης Οδυσσέας
3).Χαλκιαδάκης Ίωνας
18th Pan-hellenic Wushu Kung Fu Championship:
Α κατηγορία
1. Makri Eleni / Tai Chi 42 / 1st place and Tai Chi Jian 32 / 2nd place
2. Παναγιωτοπούλου Μαρίνα / Tai Chi 24 / 2η θέση
3. Αναγνώστου Γιάννα / Tai Chi 24 / 4η θέση
4. Γαβριήλογλου Μαγδαληνή / Tai Chi 24 / 3η θέση
5. Νόνης Αλέξης / Tai Chi 24 / 3η θέση
6. Βουραζέρης Στράτος / Tai Chi 24 / 2η θέση
7. Αθανασάτος Χρήστος / Eagle Claw Quan / 14η θέση και Eagle Claw Jian / 7η θέση
8. Στρογγύλη Άρτεμις / Eagle Claw Quan / 2η θέση / Eagle Claw Gun 4η θέση / Eagle Claw Dao / 3η θέση
Β κατηγορία
9. Κωνσταντινόπουλος Δανιήλ - εώς 10 ετών - παμπαίδων 1 / Eagle Claw Quan / 4η θέση / Eagle Claw Gun / 6η θέση
10.Τσάπαλη Χριστίνα - εώς 10 ετών - παγκορασίδων 1 / Eagle Claw Quan / 4η θέση / Eagle Claw Gun / 3η θέση
11. Γουναρόπουλος Αντώνης - εώς 10 ετών - παμπαίδων 1 / Eagle Claw Quan / 8η θέση / Eagle Claw Gun / 4η θέση
12. Κούβελα Κυβέλη - εώς 10 ετών - παγκορασίδων 1 / Eagle Claw Quan / 1η θέση / Eagle Claw Gun / 1η θέση
13. Τσάπαλη Κατερίνα - 10-13 ετών - παγκορασίδων 2 / Eagle Claw Quan / 13η θέση / Eagle Claw Gun / 2η θέση
14. Τριανταφύλου Δημήτρης - 13-15 ετών - παίδων / Eagle Claw Quan / 11η θέση / Eagle Claw Gun / 6η θέση
Γ κατηγορία
15. Καλογήρου Αναστασία / Eagle Claw Quan / 6η θέση
16. Δημητρός Γιάννης / Eagle Claw Quan / 7η θέση
17. Κάβουρας Βαγγέλης - 80 kg / 3η θέση
18. Αδαμόπουλος Δημήτρης -70kg / 3η θέση
Οι χώρες που συμμετείχαν ήταν:
1.Αμερική, 2.Βοσνία - Ερζεγοβίνη, 3.Γαλλία, 4.Γερμανία, 5.Ελλάδα, 6.Ισπανία, 7.Ισραήλ, 8.Ιταλία, 9.Κίνα, 10.Μ.Βρετανία, 11.Πολωνία, 12.Ρωσία και 13.Ταΐβάν.
Η Εθνική ομάδα κατέλαβε την 6η θέση.
Τον Α.Σ.Κεραμεικός εκπροσώπησαν οι παρακάτω αθλητές αθλητές και πήραν τις ακόλουθες διακρίσεις:
1. Ιωάννα Τουμπακάρη -56kg / 1η θέση και χρυσό μετάλλιο
2. Βρεττού Ιωάννα -65kg / 2η θέση(μόνο δύο αθλήτριες σε αυτή την κατηγορία)
3. Κάβουρας Βαγγέλης -82kg / 5η θέση
4. Αδαμόπουλος Δημήτρης -72kg / 5η θέση
17th Pan-hellenic Wushu Kung Fu Championship categories A, B and C
Category A’
1. Makri Eleni / Xing Yi Quan/ 1st place and Xing Yi Jian/ 2nd place
2. Plaini Xristina / Xing Yi Quan / 2nd place και Xing Yi Jian 4th place
Category B'
1. Athanasatos Xristos / Eagle Claw Quan / 4th place and Eagle Claw Jian / 1st place
2. Strogili Artemis / Eagle Claw Quan / 1st place and Eagle Claw Gun / 1st place
Category C'
1. Arhontaki Katerina / Northern Fist / 1st place
2. Χαριτάκη Μυρτώ / Northern Fist / 2nd place
3. Μέντης Όθωνας / Northern Fist / 3rd place
1.Toumpakari Ioanna -56kg / 2nd place
2.ΚKavouras Vaggelis - 80 kg / 2nd place
Pro Am Sanda
1. Jim Adams -70kg / 2nd place
International Chinese Shuai Jiao Championship
The 3rd International Chinese Wrestling, Shuai Jiao, Championship took place in Wenzhou city in China from 20 to 26th of May. It constituted the top event for the year 2015 and it was sponsored by the Chinese Wrestling and Weightlifting Federation, the Chinese Shuai Jiao Federation, the International Shuai Jiao Federation and the local government of the town Wenzhou. Twenty teams from seventeen countries and three hundred athletes took part in total.
The Greek team was composed of the leader of the mission and head trainer Doukas Dimitris, the trainer Divanis Giorgos and the athletes Toumpakari Ioanna, Kavouras Vangelis and Papandreou Vasilis. Playing against very strong opponents and in categories with more than 15 athletes, our athletes finally succeeded in passing the knock-out phase, placed in the group of eight and played in the ranking fights. Kavouras Vangelis won the 7th place (-82kg), Papandreou Vasilis won the 6th place (-90kg), while Toumpakari Ioanna won the 5th place (-56kg) fighting in the first round with the legendary athlete Solongo who is the National Wrestling Champion in Mongolia, she has won the bronze medal twice in the World Judo Championship and she is the Trainer of the National Police Academy!
In parallel to the championship the annual School for International Shuai Jiao Judges was conducted. Since this year it concurred with the championship it gained special status, many trainers from all over the China’s provinces participated and in charge of it named the famous teachers Wang Yang from Hebei and Xu Gang from Beijing. The head of the judges was Ma Jian Guo.
From our country the trainer Divanis Giorgos participated and received the relevant certification after passing the very demanding exams.
2nd Balcan WUSHU Championship
Congratulations to all athletes and judges of our “Internal Family” for their participation and distinctions, as well as to all of those who helped for carrying out this difficult championship. Congratulations to the president of the federation Lambro Stamouli and to Ioanni Leontari responsible for the organization of the event and also to all of those who worked hard for this event to come true.
16th Pan-hellenic Wushu Kung Fu Championship categories A, B and C
Results of the 16th Panhellenic Championship:
Category A’
1.Papadimitropoulos Panos / 2nd in Northern Fist with 9,58 / 2nd in other weapons with 8,83
2.Plaini Christina / 1st in Northern Fist with 9,43 / 2nd in long weapons with 8,90
3.Makri Eleni / 1st in Taiji 24 with 9,42 / 1st in Taiji Sword 32 with 9,41
Category B’
1.Xidi Foteini / 1st in Northern Fist with 8,14
2.Adamopoulos Dimitris / 3rd in Northern Fist with 8,02
Category C’
The Titans:
1.Iliopoulos Christos 2nd in Northern Fist with 6,84
2.Kostakis Marios 4th with 6,77
And our young ones:
1.Leontaris Ilias (fist -15 years old) 4th with 6,69
2.Karamanos Anastasios (junior -13 years old) 3rd with 6,85
3.Triantafillou Dimitris 12th with 6,57
4.Leontaris Antonis 10th with 6,64
5.Kostantinopoulos Daniil (junior -10 years old) 4th with 6,85
6.Kouvela Kiveli 12th with 6,64
1.Kavouras Evangelos 3rd place
2.Agiazi Arber withdrawal due to injury during the first sanda fight
3.Toumpakari Ioanna 2nd place
Medals in total for A.C. Kerameikos: 4 gold, 4 silver and 3 bronze.
World Shuai Jiao Tournament/Rome 2014.
The European Shuai Jiao Union organized the “2014 Europe-Rome World Shuai Jiao Tournament” that took place between 17-18 May, with the participation of 21 national teams.
The Hellenic Shuai Jiao Union was represented by the athletes Ioanna Toumpakari (-56kg) (A.C. Kerameikos), Andreas Tzimopoulos (-75kg) (A.C. Ilision), and Vangelis Kavouras (-82kg) (A.C Kerameikos)
Ioanna Toumpakari won silver medal managing two overwhelming victories (10-0) against the Americans.
Vangelis Kavouras played four matches without managing a victory, he gained priceless experiences and a direct understanding of the effort that one must commit to in order to reach a high level in the art.
15 Panhellenic Championship, Hellenic Wushu Kung Fu Federation, categories A, B and C
On Saturday and Sunday, 5th and 6th of April 2014, in the closed gym of Milonas the 15th Panhellenic Championship of Wushu Kung Fu took place. A.S.K. participated with 11 athletes, in 16 categories. They won four 1st places, four 2nd places and one3rd places winning in total: 4 gold, 4 silver and 1 bronze medals.
The athletes that participated are:
Toumpakari Ioanna, 2nd place, score1-2, Sanda women -56kg
Category A
1. Plaini Xristin, 1st/9 in Northern Fist score (9,28), and 4th/6 place, (9,06), long weapons,women.
2.Agiazi Armper, Northern fist, men 3rd/11 score (9,07)
3. Papadimitropoulos Panos, Northern Fist, men, 1st/11 score (9,20), other weapons, men, 1st /7 score (9,18)
4.Makri Eleni, 2nd/6 score (8,98), Taiji Quan, 2nd/4, score 8,98, Taiji Gien,
Category B
1. Telegioridi Sofia, in Northern Fist 4th/10, score(8,62, in short weapons, 2nd/5. score(8,63)
2. Athanasatos Christos n Northern Fist 8th/12, score(8,42), long weapons 6th/9, score(8.42)
Category C
1.Tavlopoulou Mariana, in Northern Fist, 4th/10, score(7,72)
Category A, (13-15 years old)
1.Leontaris Hlias1st/6,score (7,77)
Category B, junior 1 (7-10 years old)
1.Keontaris Antonis, in Northern Fist, 13en/21, score(7,43)
2.Karamanos Anastasios, in Northern Fist, 4th/16, score(7,32)( 1-2)
12th Panhellenic Championship, Hellenic Wushu Kung Fu Federation, categories A, B and C
On Saturday and Sunday, 9th and 10th of April 2011, in the closed gym “2nd gymnasium Rentis”, in the area of Renti, the 12th Panhellenic Championship of Wushu Kung Fu took place. A.S.K. participated with 15 athletes, in 17 categories. They won seven 1st places, seven 2nd places and seven 3rd places winning in total: 7 gold, 7 silver and 7 bronze medals.
The athletes that participated are:
Category A
1. Divanis Giorgos (2nd place, Nei Jia Quan, men, 1st place, short weapons Xing Yi Quan).
2. Papadimitropoulos Panos(1st place, Northern Fist, men, 1st place, other weapons, men, 1st place, short weapons, men)
3. Paraoulakis Nikos(3rd place, Northern fist, men)
4. Toumpakari Ioanna (2st place, Northern fist, women - 1st place, short weapons, women, 2nd place other weapons women)
5. Plaini Xristina(2nd place, long weapons,women)
6. Grimma Anna(3th place, Northern Fist, women)
Category B
1. Gorgoli Angeliki(1st place, Northern Fist, women, 2nd place other weapons, women)
2.Agiazi Armper(1st place, other weapons, men, 3rd place, Northern fist, men)
3. Hotza Ntorel (Northern Fist, men).
Category C
1. Grimma Sandra(1st place Northern Fist, women)
2.Zeygoli Myrto(3rd place Northern Fist, women)
3.Tsakiris Dimitris(3rd place, Northern Fist, men)
4.Papafotiou Leonidas(Northern Fist, men)
Category A, (13-15 years old)
1. Hotza Romario (3rd place, Northern Fist)
Category B, junior 1 (7-10 years old)
1. Polizos Ioannis (2nd place, Northern Fist, Junior 2 - 2nd place, c, junior 2)
11th Panhellenic Championship, Hellenic Wushu Kung Fu Federation, categories A, B and C
On Saturday and Sunday, 8th and 9th of May 2010, in the closed gym “Markos Papadakis”, in the area of Chalandri, the 11th Panhellenic Championship of Wushu Kung Fu took place. A.S.K. participated with 17 athletes, in 14 categories. They won seven 1st places, six 2nd places and two 3rd places winning in total: 7 gold, 6 silver and 2 bronze medals.
The athletes that participated are:
Category A
1. Divanis Giorgos (2nd place, Northern fist, men, 1st place, short weapons, 1st place Xing Yi Quan).
2. Papadimitropoulos Panos(1st place, Northern Fist, men, 1st place, other weapons, men)
3. Paraoulakis Nikos(6th place, Northern fist, men - 4th place, long weapons, men)
4. Toumpakari Ioanna (2st place, Northern fist, women - 1st place, short weapons, women, 2st place other weapons women)
5. Plaini Xristina(3rd place, long weapons,women)
6. Makri Eleni (8th place, Northern Fist, women, 6th place long weapons,women)
7. Grimma Anna(4th place, Northern Fist, women, 5th place long weapons,women)
Category B
1. Pavlitina Eleni (1st place Northern Fist, women - 2nd place, long weapons, women)
2. Siriopoulou Christina (2nd place, Northern Fist, women)
3. Triantafillidou ALkisti (2nd place, other weapons, women)
4. Rentzou Marianna(4nd place, Northern Fist, women)
5. Agiazi Armper(5th place, Northern fist, men)
6.Tsafoulias Theodoros(9th place, Northern fist, men)
Category C
1. Papageorgioy Elli (3rd place Northern Fist, women)
2. Hotza Ntorel (1st place, Northern Fist, men).
3. Kotzaoglou Giannis(9th place, Northern Fist, men)
Category A, junior 2 (10-13 years old)
1. Hotza Romario (4th place, Northern Fist, Junior 2 - 4th place, other weapons, junior 2
7th International Championship, Qingdao, China
The 7th International Championship of Traditional Kung Fu took place on the 14th, 15th and 16th of August in Qingdao. This international contest takes place every two years with athletes from all over the world. It is a very important event for those interested in Chinese martial arts, as the area of Shandhong was, and still is, the most famous north province in the field of martial arts. Our Club participated with the chief instructor Dimitris Doukas and his students, Papachristos Christos and Divanis Giorgos, representing the Hellenic Wushu Kung Fu Federation, after the respective decision of its Board.
The team of A.S.K. won the following distinctions:
Doukas Dimitris: 1st place, fist (category E)
Papachristos Christos: 1st place, sword - 2nd place, fist (category D)
Divanis Giorgos: 1st place, fist (category D) - 2nd place, spear
10th Panhellenic Championship, Hellenic Wushu Kung Fu Federation, categories A, B and C
On Saturday and Sunday, 4th and 5th of April 2009, in the closed gym “Andreas Papandreou”, in the area of Peristeri, the 10th Panhellenic Championship of Wushu Kung Fu took place. A.S.K. participated with 16 athletes, in 14 categories. They won eight 1st places, five 2nd places and four 3rd places (in 8 categories in total), meaning 8 gold, 5 silver and 4 bronze medals.
The athletes that participated are:
Category A
1. Papachristos Christos (1st place, Northern fist, men, 1st place, short weapons).
2. Divanis Giorgos (1st place, Northern Fist, men - level with Papachristos Christos - 2nd place in Taiji)
3. Papadimitropoulos Panos (4th place, Northern fist, men - 5th place, other weapons, men)
4. Toumpakari Ioanna (1st place, Northern fist, women - 2nd place, other weapons, women)
5. Makri Eleni (3rd place, Northern Fist, women)
Category B
1. Grimma Anna (1st place Northern Fist, women - 1st place, other weapons, women)
2. Zmpetaki Sotiria (2nd place, Northern Fist, women - 2nd place, other weapons women)
3. Triantafillidou ALkisti (3rd place, Northern Fist, women)
4. Paraoulakis Nikos (2nd place, other weapons, men)
5. Tsoupas Giannis
Category C
1. Marianna Rentzou (1st place Northern Fist, women).
2. Siriopoulou Christina (3rd place Northern Fist, women).
3. Nikolaidou Sofia (4th place Northern Fist, women).
4. Mpourantas Christos
5. Athanassatos Christos
Category A, junior 2 (10-13 years old)
1. Hotza Romario (2nd place, Northern Fist, Junior 2 - 1st place, short weapons, junior 2
3rd World Traditional Wushu Championship /Shiyan City, Hubei Province, China
A.S.K. participated with 4 athletes - Papachristos Christos, Divanis Giorgos, Salomidou Aggeliki, Kougia Sofia - in the National Team that represented our country in the 3rd World Traditional Wushu Championship in Shiyan, China.
66 countries with 2000 athletes took part in the Championship.
The results of the contest for the athletes of A.S.K. are:
1. Papachristos Christos: 3rd place, sword - 6th place, fist
2. Divanis Giorgos: 1st place, spear - 7th place, fist
3. Salomidou Aggeliki: 5th place, sword - 6th place, fist
4. Kougia Sofia: 3rd place, sword - 8th place, fist
The instructor of A.S.K. Doukas Dimitris accompanied the mission, as the coach of the National Team
9th Panhellenic Championship, Hellenic Wushu Kung Fu Federation, Category A
On Saturday and Sunday, 12th and 13th of April 2008, in the stadium of Nafplio, the 9th Panhellenic Championship, of the Hellenic Wushu Kung Fu Federation took place. A.S.K. participated with 5 athletes in 7 categories. In four categories it won the 1st place, in two the 2nd and in three the 3rd, gaining in total 4 gold, 1 silver and 3 bronze medals. The athletes that participated are:
1. Papachristos Christos (1st place, Northern Fist, men - 1st place, short weapons, men)
2. Divanis Giorgos (3rd place, long weapons, men)
3. Salomidou Angela (1st place, Northern Fist, women - 2nd place, short weapons, women)
4. Kougia Sofia (1st place, short weapons, women - 3rd place, Northern fist, women)
5. Toumpakari Ioanna (2nd place, Northern fist, women - 3rd place, other weapon, women)
9th Panhellenic Championship, Hellenic Wushu Kung Fu Federation, Category B and C
On Sunday, 6th of April 2008, in the Athletic Centre “Mazaraki”, the 9th Panhellenic Championship, of the Hellenic Wushu Kung Fu Federation, Category B and C, took place. A.S.K. participated with 13 athletes in 7 categories. In three categories it won the 1st place, in other three the 2nd and in two the 3rd place, gaining in total three gold, three silver and 2 bronze medals.
Papachristos Christos was the Head Judge, while Kougia Sofia and Divanis Giorgos were Judges.
The athletes that participated are:
1. Zampetaki Sotiria (4th place, Northern fist, women, category B)
2. Kahramanoglou Maria (4th place, Northern fist, women, category C)
3. Makri Eleni (1st place, Northern fist, women, category B - 1st place, other weapons, women, category B)
4. Nonis Alexios
5. Dayiantas Giorgos (4th place, Northern fist, men, category C)
6. Panagiotopoulou Marina
7. Papadimitropoulos Panos (2nd place, Northern fist, men, category B)
8. Paraoulakis Nikos (4th place, Northern fist, men, category B)
9. Paulitina Eleni (3rd place, other weapon, women, category B)
10. Triantafillidou Alkisti (3rd place, Northern fist, women, category C)
11. Tsimpidou Athina ( 2nd place, Northern fist, women, category C)
12. Tsoupas Giannis
13. Hotza Romario (1st place, Northern fist, junior, category B - 2nd place, other weapon, junior, category B)
8th Panhellenic Championship, Hellenic Wushu Kung Fu Federation, Category A, B and C
On the 4th and 5th of May 2007, in the closed gym of Peristeri, the 8th Panhellenic Championship of Wushu, categories A, B and C, took place.
A.S.K. participated with 14 athletes in twelve categories. In seven categories it won the 1st place, in four the 2nd and in two the 3rd place.
The athletes that took part are:
1. Hotza Romario (1st place, Northern Fist, up to 10 years old - 3rd place, long weapons)
2. Papadimitropoulos Panos (1st place, Northern Fist, category C)
3. Dayiantas Giorgos (4th place, Northern Fist, category C)
4. Tsoupas Giannis (5th place, Northern Fist, category C)
5. Vassiliou Giorgos (8th place, Northern Fist, category C)
6. Panagiotopoulou Marina (1st place, Northern Fist, category B)
7. Spala Venia (2nd place, Northern Fist, category B)
8. Gorgoli Aggeliki (4th place, Northern Fist, category B)
9. Paulitina Eleni (2nd place, other weapons, category B)
10. Kougia Sofia (1st place, Northern Fist, category A)
11. Toumpakari Ioanna (2nd place, Northern Fist, category A - 2nd place other weapons, category A)
12. Laggi Zoi (4th place, Northern Fist, category A - 3rd place long weapons, category A)
13. Papachristos Christos (4th place, Northern Fist, category A - 1st place, short weapons, category A)
14. Divanis Giorgos (1st place, Northern Fist, category A -1st place Taiji Quan 24 movements - 1st place, long weapons, category A)
International Tournament of Traditional Wushu, Catania, Sicily
A.S.K. represented the Hellenic Wushu Kung Fu Federation at the International Tournament of Traditional Wushu, in Catania. A.S.K. won in total 7 medals -4 gold and 3 bronze. The team was accompanied by Dimitris Doukas, as coach.
The athletes that participated are:
1. Papachristos Christos (3rd place, short weapons)
2. Divanis Giorgos (3rd place, short weapons - 3rd place, fist)
3. Kougia Sofia (1st place, short weapons, in all women categories)
4. Laggi Zoi (1st place, fist, in all women categories)
During the opening ceremony, Papachristos Christos and Kougia Sofia demonstrated the Chi Na techniques of the Eagle Claw.
2nd International Championship of Traditional Wushu / Zhengzhou, China
A.S.K. participated with three athletes -Doukas Dimitris, Papachristos Christos, Divanis Giorgos- in the National Team that represented our country in the 2nd International Championship of Traditional Wushu in China.
60 countries and 1200 athletes tool part in the championship.
Doukas Dimitris participated in three categories and won one 1st place (sword), one 2nd (Dui Lian) and one 4th (broad sword).
Papachristos Christos participated in three categories and won one 1st place (spear), one 2nd (Dui Lian) and another 2nd (fist).
Divanis Giorgos participated in two categories and won one 6th place (fist) and one 7th (ξίφος sword-blade?)
6th International Tournament Qingdao, China
From the 18th to the 21st of August 2006, the 6th International Tournament of Traditional Martial Arts took place in Qingdao, China. This tournament takes place every two years, with the participation of athletes from all ever the world. It is a very important event for those interested in Chinese martial arts. After Sifu Lily Lau’s personal invitation, our Club took part with its instructor, Doukas Dimitris, and students, Papachristos Christos and Divanis Giorgos, officially representing the Hellenic Wushu Kung Fu Federation, after the respective decision of its Board.
The team of A.S.K. won the following distinctions:
Doukas Dimitris: two 1st places
Papachristos Christos: two 1st and one 2nd places
Divanis Giorgos: one 1st and one 3rd places
7th Panhellenic Championship of Wushu, Category A
On the 14th and 15th of May 2006, in the gym of Peristeri, the 7th Panhellenic championship of the Hellenic Wushu Kung Fu Federation took place.
A.S.K. participated with 4 athletes and won 6 gold, 3 silver and 2 bronze medals.
1. Papachristos Christos (1st place, Northern fist - 1st place, spear - 1st place, other weapons)
2. Divanis Giorgos (2nd place, Northern fist - 3rd place, short weapon - 4th place, long weapons)
3. Salomidou Angela (1st place, short weapons - 2nd place Northern fist - 2nd place, long weapons)
4. Kougia Sofia (1st place, Northern fist - 3rd place, long weapons - 4th place, short weapons)
A.S.K. also won the 1st place as a team in the fist.
7th Panhellenic Championship of Wushu, Category B and C / closed gym of Ilissia
A.S.K. participated with 17 athletes and won 3 gold, 4 silver and 1 bronze medals.
1. Romario Hotza (1st place, fist, junior, 7-10 years old)
2. Fotopoulou Lily
3. Panagiotopoulou Marina (1st place, fist, category C)
4. Makri Eleni
5. Gkorgkoli Aggeliki (2nd place, fist, category C)
6. Stamouli Eleni
7. Vassiliadis Giorgos
8. Paraoulakis Nikos
9. Roussos Leonidas (2nd place, fist, category C)
10. Plaini Christina
11. Toumpakari Ioanna (1st place, fist, category B - 1st place, other weapons, category B)
12. Paulitina Eleni (3rd place, fist, category B)
13. Spala Venia (2nd place, long weapons, category B)
14. Gardounis Kostas
15. Malekakis Giorgos (1st place, fist, category B)
16. Arvanitis Charis (2nd place, fist, category B)
17. Astrakis Giorgos
6th Panhellenic Championship of Wushu, Category A
On the 16th and 17th of April 2005, in the closed gym “Ikonio”, in Perama, the 6th Panhellenic Championship of Wushu, Category A took place. A.S.K. participated with 8 athletes and won 8 gold, 2 silver and 6 bronze medals.
The athletes that took part are:
1. Salomidou Angela (1st place, fist - 3rd place, sword - 3rd place, pole)
2. Kougia Sofia (3rd place, fist - 2nd place, sword - 4th place, pole - 1st place, Dui Lian)
3. Laggi Zoi (4th place, fist - 6th place, pole - 3rd place, double daggers)
4. Papachristos Christos (1st place, fist - 1st place, spear - 1st place, double swords - 1st place, Dui Lian)
5. Mpaxevanis Michalis (5th place, fist - 2nd place, sword - 4th place, pole)
6. Divanis Giorgos (4th place, fist - 3rd place, pole - 4th place, double daggers)
7. Petrakis Takis (6th place, fist - 3rd place, sword)
8. Dimitriou Giannis (1st place, Taiji Quan)
A.S.K. also won the 1st places in the:
1. team fist, weapons and
3.Dui Lian.
6th Panhellenic Championship of Wushu, Categories B and C
A.S.K. participated in the 6th Panhellenic Championship of Wushu that took place on the 7th of April 2005, in Perama.
The athletes that participated are:
1. Spala Venia
2. Plaini Christina
3. Panagiotopoulou Marina
4. Toumpakari Ioanna
5. Makri Eleni
6. Voutsina Frosso
7. Paulitina Eleni
8. Malekakis Giorgos
9. Gardounis Kostas
10. Strantzos Thodoris
11. Astrakis Giorgos
12. Papastathis Zaharias
1st International Festival of Traditional Martial Arts / Zhengzhou, China
In October 2004, two athletes and the instructor of the Club took part - along with the National Team - in the 1st International Festival of Traditional Martial Arts, in Zhengzhou, China.
Doukas Dimitris (4th place, spear)
Papachristos Christos (6th place, Dao)
Dimitriou Giannis (1st place, Taiji Quan)
1st International Mediterranean Cup, Giarre, Sicily
In total, eleven teams participated, 2 teams from Sicily and nine from other countries (England, Italy, Holland, Iran, Serbia, Bosnia and Greece).
A.S.K. represented the Hellenic Wushu Kung Fu Federation, with 4 athletes and its instructor, Doukas Dimitris. The Greek team won the 2nd place - the 1st went to the Sicilian team.
The places won are the following:
1. Papachristos Christos (3rd place, long weapons - 3rd place, Dui Lian - 5th place, nun gun)
2. Salomidou Aggeliki (1st place, short weapons - 1st place, other weapons - 3rd place, fist)
3. Tzima Dora (1st place, fist - 1st place, long weapons, 3rd place, Dui Lian, 1st place nun gun)
4. Mpaksevanis Michalis (4th place, short weapons)